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What is Bearing Corrosion and How Do We Avoid It?

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Bearing corrosion is a common problem that can affect the performance and lifespan of your machinery. It occurs when the metal surfaces of the bearings are damaged by chemical or electrochemical reactions with the surrounding environment. This can lead to rust, pitting, flaking, or cracking of the bearings, which can reduce their load capacity, increase friction, and cause premature failure.

Bearing corrosion can be caused by various factors, such as moisture, humidity, acids, salts, solvents, or contaminants in the lubricant. These factors can either penetrate the bearing seals or form on the bearing surfaces due to temperature changes, condensation, or improper storage. Therefore, it is important to prevent or minimize the exposure of the bearings to these corrosive agents and to use proper lubrication methods and products.

How to Prevent Bearing Corrosion?

One of the most effective ways to prevent bearing corrosion is to use high-quality lubricants that can protect the bearings from moisture and contaminants. Lubricants can form a thin film between the metal surfaces of the bearings, which can prevent direct contact with the corrosive agents and reduce friction and wear. Lubricants can also have anti-corrosion additives that can neutralize or inhibit the chemical reactions that cause corrosion.

There are two main types of lubricants for bearings: oils and greases. Oils are liquid lubricants that can flow easily and reach all parts of the bearing. They can also help dissipate heat and remove dirt from the bearing. However, oils can also leak or evaporate easily, which can reduce their effectiveness and increase the risk of contamination. Therefore, oils require frequent replenishment and monitoring.

Greases are semi-solid lubricants that consist of oil and a thickener. They can stay in place better than oils and provide a more consistent lubrication. They can also seal the bearing from external contaminants and reduce noise and vibration. However, greases can also harden or soften over time, which can affect their performance and compatibility. Therefore, greases require careful selection and application.

How to Choose the Right Lubricant for Your Bearings?

The choice of lubricant for your bearings depends on several factors, such as the type, size, speed, load, temperature, and environment of your bearings. You should also consider the compatibility of the lubricant with the bearing materials, seals, and other components of your machinery. You should always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and specifications for your bearings and lubricants.

Some general guidelines for choosing lubricants are:

•  For high-speed or high-temperature bearings, use synthetic oils or greases that have better stability and performance than mineral oils or greases.

•  For low-speed or low-temperature bearings, use mineral oils or greases that have lower viscosity and cost than synthetic oils or greases.

•  For bearings exposed to water or humidity, use water-resistant greases that have high water washout resistance and anti-corrosion properties.

•  For bearings exposed to acids or salts, use oxidation-resistant greases that have high alkalinity and anti-corrosion properties.

•  For bearings exposed to solvents or contaminants, use solvent-resistant greases that have high oil separation resistance and anti-corrosion properties.

How to Apply Lubricant to Your Bearings?

The application of lubricant to your bearings is also crucial for preventing corrosion and ensuring optimal performance. You should apply the right amount and frequency of lubricant according to your bearing conditions and requirements. You should also use proper tools and techniques to avoid contamination or damage to your bearings.

Some general tips for applying lubricant are:

•  For oil-lubricated bearings, use a pump, a drip feed, a splash system, or a circulating system to deliver oil to your bearings. Make sure the oil level is sufficient and clean.

•  For grease-lubricated bearings, use a grease gun, a grease fitting, or an automatic system to inject grease into your bearings. Make sure the grease quantity is adequate and fresh.

•  For both oil- and grease-lubricated bearings, follow a regular lubrication schedule based on your bearing operating hours or conditions. Check the lubricant condition regularly for signs of degradation or contamination.

•  For both oil- and grease-lubricated bearings, clean the bearing surfaces before applying lubricant. Remove any old or excess lubricant from the bearing housings or seals.


Bearing corrosion is a serious problem that can affect your machinery performance and reliability. It can be prevented by using high-quality lubricants that can protect your bearings from moisture and contaminants. You should also choose the right type of lubricant for your bearing application and apply it properly according to your bearing needs. If you are looking for a reliable supplier of lubricants for your bearings, you should check out LubePlus Energies. LubePlus Energies is a leading company that offers a wide range of lubricants for various industries and applications. Whether you need oils or greases, synthetic or mineral, water-resistant, oxidation-resistant, LubePlus Energies has it all. LubePlus Energies also provides expert advice and technical support for your lubrication needs. Visit our website today and discover the best lubricants for your bearings

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